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open access 

open access statement

Journal of Elite Sport Performance offers immediate Open Access of its publications to support freely available research to the public and support global knowledge exchange. Full-text Open Access to all scientific articles published by the Journal of Elite Sport Performance is presented on the official website in the Motivational Reading Archive page.  Publication processes for Open Access in the Journal of Elite Sport Performance follow common archiving policies and are in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access. 


Journal of Elite Sport Performance is an Open Access journal, meaning all publications are freely available without charge to the reader / user or their institution. Users are allowed to download, read, print, copy, distribute, link to the articles full text, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the Journal of Elite Sport Performance or the author(s) as long as they cite the source.  The Journal of Elite Sport Performance is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution International CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. The rights associated with this licence for Open Access can be found on this page.


Editorial acceptance of manuscripts is not impacted by the Open Access policy. Manuscripts are processed through the journal's double blind peer-review process and are accepted or rejected based on individual merit.   All articles are archived and are registered at relevant abstracting and indexing services.

open access licenses

Authors choosing to publish Open Access may either assign copyright to the Journal of Elite Sport Performance or use a Creative Commons license:



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If an article content is downloaded, copied, or reused for commercial or non-commercial purposes, an appropriate citation and a link to the original published version, through the article’s DOI, should be applied.  Any copyright notices and / or disclaimers must not be deleted.  Any translations not covered by a prior agreement with Journal of Elite Sport Performance. must therefore display the following statement clearly: "This is an unofficial translation of an article that appeared in a publication by Journal of Elite Sport Performance. The publisher has not endorsed this translation." 





Above information updated October 2020.

Depositing to PubMed Central 

Some funding agencies may require that the accepted article is deposited to PubMed Central (PMC). Journal of Elite Sport Performance does not have an agreement with PMC, therefore Journal of Elite Sport Performance cannot deposit articles to PMC on behalf of any authors.  Authors can ensure compliance with their funding agency(ies) however by self-archiving to PMC.  If self-archiving is required and to find out more information on this process please follow this link:


An embargo period for self-archiving to PMC is not currently imposed by Journal of Elite Sport Performance.

Publication Ethics

Journal of Elite Sport Performance identifies and prevents the publication of citation manipulation, plagiarism, and the falsification or fabrication of data. Journal of Elite Sport Performance, it's editors and advisory board discourage any such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. Any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article in the Journal of Elite Sport Performance will be managed by the editorial board by following  COPE guidelines

Human and Animal Rights

Unless noted otherwise, all Journal of Elite Sport Performance publications require that studies involving human subjects must include statements regarding institutional or other approval of the protocol and of obtaining informed consent. Informed consent should be obtained in written form by the participant or the participant's parent or guardian. 


Presentation of data from professional clubs must be agreed for journal publication dissemination and include the following statement in the methods section of the manuscript where applicable:  Agreement of anonymous dissemination of data for research purposes (publication) was agreed by the host club / team / individual athlete.  


Where animals are included in a study, such as Equine Rider related research for example, the author(s) must include a statement regarding institutional approval and compliance with applicable governmental policies and regulations regarding animal welfare.

Production Process


  • Before Open Access, the article is copyedited with careful attention to adherence to the Journal of Elite Sport Performance publishing style, however the author's voice will be protected. 

  • After copyediting is complete, the manuscript will undergo Type Setting, where the journal's layout specifications are applied.

  • Once both Copy Editing and Type Setting processes are complete the corresponding author will be contacted via email to review a final proof.

  • Log-in credentials will be provided to the corresponding author in order for them to retrieve and review the proof article via an online portal.  At this stage the Editors expect only minor correction of errors, or the updating of any blind text/information.

  • At this stage, the author will return their proof edits through the online author portal for final review by the Editor.

  • Following the final integration of edits the article will be suitable for online Open Access. 

  • The article will be published online in its final version which includes the assigned issue/volume, page numbers and DOI. The corresponding author will be provided with a final PDF copy of their final version work.

  • The article will be available on the Journal of Elite Sport Performance website for dissemination under the Copyright agreement (see above). 


For an article to be published Open Access, payment must be received in full. Upon acceptance of your article you will receive an invoice of payment required. Please see Article Processing Charges for more details. 

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