The Journal of Elite Sport Performance welcomes the following article types:
Review Articles (Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, Narrative Reviews)
Original Research
Opinion / Perspectives
Case Studies in elite profession sportspersons
See Author Guidelines for submission of all article types.
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Online ISSN: 2635-2885
Journal DOI: 10.54080
The Journal of Elite Sport Performance welcomes the following article types:
Review Articles (Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, Narrative Reviews)
Original Research
Epidemiology Studies
Opinion Piece / Perspectives
Critically Acclaimed Topics
Case Studies
Short Communications
Before you submit please read our Authorship and Manuscript Guidelines.
To submit an article for consideration please email your manuscript and accompanying files to info@journalofelitesportperformance.com
Your submission will be provided with a manuscript number, all manuscript submissions are initially reviewed by the Editor. Manuscripts worthy of consideration to the journal must meet the journal's aim and scope and will then be assigned to an Associate Editor for the review process. The Journal of Elite Sport Performance follows a strict double-blind peer-review process. You will be emailed regularly with updates as to the status of your manuscript.